The number 1 e-gift card 100% digital entertainment

Give a FreemiumPlay gift card and let your beneficiary subscribe or become Premium on the digital service of their choice.

Or give in yourself to the temptation of an offer from one of our partners.

Buy a card 🎁

The new gift experience !

And what are you doing today ?


Give a card

Make friends and family happy by giving them a FreemiumPlay gift card and let them choose the digital subscription that's right for them.

Give a card

Activate your card

You have received a FreemiumPlay gift card, activate it to credit your account and choose the digital subscription that's right for you !

Activate your card

Enjoy our partners

Are you looking to make yourself happy and subscribe to a digital service ?
Choose from within our catalogue.

Discover the catalogue
La carte cadeau

Your FreemiumPlay experience is

100% Premium

  • Streaming videos, Music, Newspapers, Magazines & Digital books, Video games, Childhood, Personal development, Well being

    A full catalogue with something for the entire family!
  • No processing, postage, storage or subscription fees and a credit that's valid for up to 2 years and can be used to the exact cent.
  • Personalised messages, thank yous, monitoring tables, new catalogue of services available instantly ! A unique experience !

How does it work?

Give a card

FreemiumPlay cards are available at the value you want and without any management, postal or service charges. You can send your cards by mail or print them off so that you can personally hand deliver them. FreemiumPlay cards must be activated within 1 year, with an additional 1 year to use them.

Enjoy our partners

Enjoy your FreemiumPlay card or make direct purchases of our partners' Premium offers. Our partners' offers are available immediately after validation of the purchase. Our cards can be used down to the exact cent, and can be used at multiple partners. If you need more credits, you can add them using your bank card !

Do you have any other questions? Consult our FAQ

Join the club of our satisfied clients

Thanks FreemiumPlay! Cards were given at the end of the year through the workers' council to employees, who liked the diversity of the offer. A digital gift that's a change from traditional cards
 Personally, I'm thrilled to have discovered the FreemiumPlay concept, the diversity of the services is very attractive and the site is easy to use. With my gift card, I was able to buy an Ornikar subscription for my daughter! It's great!

Logo de Sodis
CĂ©cile Workers' council secretary - 450 employees

We've used FreemiumPlay for a number of gift cards used as prizes for contests organised for the students of our schools. This gift has allowed them to choose THE best way to take advantage of their victory. The result: the perfect gift and delighted students. I really recommend FreemiumPlay, everything was done quickly and in good spirits, a real pleasure !

Logo de ESG
LĂ©lia Head of Student Life - 2000 students

The best way to motivate the troops and get the best results for my team! When I told my team that they could win PlayStation cards or L'Equipe, Disney+ or Petit BamBou subscriptions
 our numbers skyrocketed 😉! So, we're going to be starting it again soon

Logo V
Grégoire Sales dirctor - 125 salespeople

FreemiumPlay is the gift solution that I propose the most frequently to my clients for their consumer activations and marketing operations. Innovative, Premium and leaving the freedom of choice to the end user, it's everything my clients are looking for! There are sure to be more great projects in the future together...🎁

Logo Q
Armelle Head of Agency Activation

With the support of